Health Medical

Why Your Laptop May be Causing You Pain and Suffering

Health & Medical Blog

Are you a laptop warrior? This is somebody who may frequently travel for work and will need to engage with their laptop in a hotel room or shared workspace in order to achieve their objectives. They may have a home office environment which is set up properly for the times when they are back at base, but they don't pay as much attention to their body's configuration when they're on the road.

20 May 2019

5 Benefits of Choosing a Multicultural Healthcare Centre

Health & Medical Blog

When a medical centre offers multicultural healthcare, it has special services, amenities and practices in place to appeal to people from all kinds of cultures. Wondering if this approach to healthcare is right for your family? Here are some of the elements you may want to consider.  1. Multicultural Healthcare Providers Understand Your Background When a healthcare provider commits to a multicultural approach, they take time to learn about the culture of the patients they see.

25 March 2019

Essential Over-the-Counter Drugs for the Summer Period

Health & Medical Blog

When your business offers over the counter medications taking a seasonal approach makes life easier for your customers. During the summer period, those who buy from you may encounter unique medical challenges. As such, it's wise to find an OTC pharmaceutical supplier who can meet your summertime needs. Medicine cupboard essentials for sunburn With one in eight adults and one in five teenagers experiencing sunburn over a normal summertime weekend, many will seek temporary relief to make their symptoms less severe.

29 January 2019

Managing the Side Effects of Kidney Cancer Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

Although receiving treatment for either bladder or kidney cancer is life-changing in many ways, it does come with side effects. While you're looking towards your recovery, managing the symptoms and sensations you experience can bring additional comfort. With the right support and knowledge, you'll feel more comfortable. Dealing with a higher risk of infection In order for kidney cancer treatment to remain effective, it dampens your body's natural response to infections.

27 December 2018

Should You Be Worried if Your Child Needs to Take Nuclear Medicine?

Health & Medical Blog

If one of your children needs to undergo some specific tests in order to diagnose a medical condition, your consultant may have mentioned the term "nuclear medicine" early on in the discussion phase. If you're like most people, you may never have heard of this option and, just like other people you may be somewhat stressed, as they very word "nuclear" has negative connotations in society. Although you needn't be so worried as this is simply a specialised form of radiology, you will nevertheless want to know what it's all about.

28 September 2018

How Your Skin Cancer Check Can Help You Slow Down Ageing

Health & Medical Blog

If you enjoy spending time tanning, the chances are you should head for a skin cancer check. Although most incidents of skin cancer occur when someone is in their 60s, an increasing number of individuals in their 30s onward are receiving a diagnosis. As such, if you have a history of using sunbeds or tanning outdoors or you notice a suspicious change in your skin's appearance, you may want to contact a specialist for a skin cancer check.

30 June 2018

Physiotherapist's Tips on How to Achieve Long-Term Relief for Plantar Fasciitis

Health & Medical Blog

Plantar fasciitis is a sharp pain in the heel experienced mostly by runners or people who walk over long distances. The pain that runs from the heel to the arch of your foot is usually worse in the morning and can be minimized by doing some stretches and warming up before the run. For people who suffer from persistent plantar fasciitis, various treatments like icing, steroid shots, and painkillers are explored for short-term relief.

25 October 2017

Could You Be a Night-Time Teeth Grinder?

Health & Medical Blog

Bruxism — more simply known as grinding the teeth — can become a serious problem for your dental health. Teeth aren't invincible, and when they're frequently grinding together, the enamel can start to wear away and cause significant damage over time. There are ways the problem can be stopped, whether it's through training or dental treatments, but that assumes you actually know about it. Because teeth grinding sometimes only happens during sleep, there are a lot of people around who don't even know they do it.

27 July 2017

2 Postmenopausal Health Conditions To Be Aware Of

Health & Medical Blog

For many women, the end of the menopause can come as a relief. Bothersome symptoms, such as hot flashes, dry skin and sleep disturbances, tend to disappear, but changes in your hormone levels can leave you more susceptible to certain health conditions. Here's an overview of two health conditions postmenopausal women are at an increased risk of developing: Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is characterised by weak bones, which can leave sufferers vulnerable to fractures and breaks.

28 June 2017

Ways to Help Your Vascular Surgeon Reduce the Risk of Blood Clots

Health & Medical Blog

Deep vein thrombosis is a medical term that strikes fear in the hearts of people everywhere. While many associate it with long-haul flying and the contraceptive pill, inactivity and the post-operative recovery period are far bigger risks. While it's rare that your vascular surgeon will involve themselves with removing a clot, they do have a strong interest in clot prevention and there are a few steps you can take to help.

20 June 2017