Alternative Treatment Options For Depression

I've experienced several periods of depression throughout my adult life, and while prescription drugs have proved helpful, I've been keen to explore drug-free ways to manage and treat my depression. I started this blog to share my personal experience battling this illness and the alternative treatment options I've tried, including dietary supplements, talking therapies, meditation, relaxation exercises, massage and acupuncture. I also post about current research on the effectiveness of holistic therapies at treating depression, and the blog contains guest posts written by others with depression who have tried drug-free treatments. I hope you find the information on this blog useful.

How Your Skin Cancer Check Can Help You Slow Down Ageing

Health & Medical Blog

If you enjoy spending time tanning, the chances are you should head for a skin cancer check. Although most incidents of skin cancer occur when someone is in their 60s, an increasing number of individuals in their 30s onward are receiving a diagnosis. As such, if you have a history of using sunbeds or tanning outdoors or you notice a suspicious change in your skin's appearance, you may want to contact a specialist for a skin cancer check. In addition to detecting changes early, they can help you slow the ageing process.

You'll develop a clearer idea of the state your skin is in

During your check, a dermatologist will perform a head-to-toe examination. Part of the process involves taking a close look at the skin on your face. As your face's skin is particularly think in a lot of areas, it encounters significant damage form UV rays.

Even if they don't notice any concerning changes, your dermatologist may give you an insight into how your sunshine activities are affecting your skin's integrity. From there, you can seek appropriate advice on how to slow down the signs of ageing, including topical anti-wrinkle treatments.

Your dermatologist will unveil any changes you need to make

Before your examination takes place, your dermatologist will need to gauge the type of damage you're doing. At this stage, they'll ask you about your skin's history. Your skin's history will include whether you notice any changes, as well as any incidents of burning or blistering. Additionally, they'll want to know all about how you approach sun safety.

Even with the best intentions in the world, you might find that your sun safety tactics fall short. For example, many people mistakenly believe it's safe to tan, and that burning is the only unsafe outcome of sun exposure. Unfortunately, the same melanocytes that give you a golden glow also contribute toward deadly forms of skin cancer.

In the event that your check is normal, your dermatologist can still provide advice on achieving the look you want in the safest way. By making recommendations that are safe and relevant for your skin type, they help you achieve the right degree of protection for reducing your skin cancer risk and maintaining a younger look for longer.

To get more from your check, head to your dermatologist's office with the right information. Ensure you take an honest approach to disclosing your UV ray exposure history and always speak out about concerning changes.


30 June 2018