4 Benefits of Using a Diaphragm Rather than Condoms When You're in a Relationship

Health & Medical Blog

Unlike diaphragms, condoms are effective at preventing STIs and STDs from spreading. However, this isn't a concern that is likely to be as important once you've found a long-term partner and both of you have been tested. When you know you're both clean, you can have sex and be free from any fears of disease or infection; of course, there are still unplanned pregnancies to consider. Diaphragms can protect against fertilisation too, and they hold a number of benefits over condoms, especially if you're only sleeping with one committed partner.

18 November 2016

Questions to Ask Your Doctor the Next Time You Visit a Medical Center

Health & Medical Blog

If you have an appointment scheduled with your doctor, it's good to ensure you take the time to ask questions about your health and especially about any condition you might have in particular. Maintaining a good dialogue with your doctor can mean knowing how to protect your health in between those medical centre visits. Note a few questions that many patients overlook but which you'll want to bring up with your doctor the next time you have an appointment.

31 May 2016