Alternative Treatment Options For Depression

I've experienced several periods of depression throughout my adult life, and while prescription drugs have proved helpful, I've been keen to explore drug-free ways to manage and treat my depression. I started this blog to share my personal experience battling this illness and the alternative treatment options I've tried, including dietary supplements, talking therapies, meditation, relaxation exercises, massage and acupuncture. I also post about current research on the effectiveness of holistic therapies at treating depression, and the blog contains guest posts written by others with depression who have tried drug-free treatments. I hope you find the information on this blog useful.

A Guide On Prostate Cancer Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

After your prostate cancer diagnosis, your doctor will recommend a suitable treatment depending on the extent of the illness. For instance, they could recommend radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy. Prostate surgery, in particular, is one of the most preferred prostate cancer treatments. Read the article below to learn more about prostate cancer surgery

Why Prostate Cancer Surgery? 

Prostate surgery, also known as a prostatectomy, is considered when the patient has an enlarged prostate gland that cannot be removed through other methods. It also provides instant relief for people with severe symptoms such as difficulties in urinating, increased urge to urinate, inability to urinate, prolonged urination or urinary tract infections.  

There are two types of prostatectomy: radical and simple prostatectomy. Radical prostate surgery is an invasive procedure that removes the entire prostate gland. On the other hand, simple prostate surgery removes the part of the prostate gland that blocks urine flow. The surgery is non-invasive, and the surgeon uses a robot to remove part of the prostate gland. 

Preparing For Surgery

Prostate surgery preparations involve a lot of consultations between you and your doctor. Typically, the doctor will conduct a health examination to determine that you are fit for surgery. You are required to inform the doctor of any pre-existing medical conditions and any medication that you have been taking. The doctor could advise you to cease taking blood thinners and any other medicines that affect blood coagulation. Besides, the doctor could ask you to perform moderate daily exercises. 

A day before the surgery, the doctor will give you some medication to clean your bowel. It will help reduce the risk of infection after the surgery. Additionally, the doctor will ask you to fast and take plenty of water. You will also meet with the surgical team. The doctor will explain what they will do and what you can expect once you enter the operating room. 

What To Expect After Surgery

Prostate surgery takes at least two hours. However, you will wake up a few hours later after the anaesthesia wears out. It is normal to feel tired after surgery. The doctor will monitor your condition for a few days and discharge you from the hospital. You will be required to avoid heavy lifting until the wounds heal. Additionally, eat a healthy diet comprising lots of fruits and vegetables. You could experience mild side effects such as urinary incontinence or erectile dysfunction. However, these symptoms will subside over time. 

Prostate cancer surgery is a long term and permanent way to get rid of prostate cancer and eliminate the side effects of an enlarged prostate gland. Contact a surgeon to learn more.


20 April 2021