Alternative Treatment Options For Depression

I've experienced several periods of depression throughout my adult life, and while prescription drugs have proved helpful, I've been keen to explore drug-free ways to manage and treat my depression. I started this blog to share my personal experience battling this illness and the alternative treatment options I've tried, including dietary supplements, talking therapies, meditation, relaxation exercises, massage and acupuncture. I also post about current research on the effectiveness of holistic therapies at treating depression, and the blog contains guest posts written by others with depression who have tried drug-free treatments. I hope you find the information on this blog useful.

Symptoms Indicating That You May Be Suffering From Bruxism

Health & Medical Blog

Bruxism is a condition whereby the individual suffers from grinding, clenching or gnashing their teeth. Although people assume that bruxism only happens at night, some patients also experience this during the day. However, since it usually presents as you sleep, it can be difficult for some individuals to be aware that they are suffering from this condition in the first place. As such, it is prudent to know what the signs are and visit a dental hospital post haste. So what are some of the symptoms that would indicate you might be suffering from bruxism?

You suffer from persistent headaches

If you wake up each morning with an unexplainable headache, it is likely that you could be suffering from bruxism. As you clench your jaw and grind your teeth at night, you end up overworking your jaw muscles. As a result, you start experiencing tension headaches since your facial muscles did not get sufficient rest as you sleep. Seeking treatment for your teeth grinding could aid in preventing further headaches in the future.

You suffer from jaw pain

Another telltale symptom of bruxism is if your jaws are in constant pain. The consistent grinding exerts undue pressure to your jaw muscles as well as the jaw joint. As such, you will find that your mouth constantly feels sore yet you have not been engaging in any activities that would explain the aches and pains.

Your teeth are becoming abraded

If bruxism goes on undetected, the consistent grinding will start to abrade the surface of your teeth. You then start to notice that the edges of your teeth are looking uneven and you may discover that your tooth enamel is disintegrating. It is essential to see a dentist as tooth abrasion will eventually cause you to seek restorative treatments in the form of crowns or veneers.

Your teeth have become increasingly sensitive

A host of reasons causes tooth sensitivity. Thus, some people may not immediately consider bruxism if they develop this symptom. However, sensitivity is a common outcome from bruxism due to the deterioration of your tooth surface. If the grinding is severe, your dentin can become exposed, and this will cause you to feel pain whenever you ingest hot or cold beverages. If not treated because you assume the sensitivity will dissipate on its own, you could end up at high risk of developing a cavity or requiring dental bonding to remedy the damaged teeth.


19 May 2017